Admissions Requirements

Admissions Requirements

Rosary College applicants are considered on a rolling basis and may apply anytime. The Admissions Committee will review applications and admit students periodically.

Regardless of classification, all Rosary College students:

  1. are able to type or manage voice-to-text with fluency
  2. are fluent in the English language, in written communication and speech
  3. write well and are ready to refine their writing skills; Rosary College depends on writing as a method of instruction and assessment.
  4. qualified high school students classified as rising juniors, rising seniors, and seniors from traditional schools and home schools may apply. All students use the same application process.
  5. meet Rosary College admission standards per the Application Form

Admission is determined by a variety of indicators including, but not limited to:

  1. High school grades and GPA as documented on a transcript
  2. Transcripts from other colleges (if applicable). Transfer students and students with prior college credits should submit transcripts from the credit-granting institutions.
  3. Homeschooled students must submit an equivalent document that serves as a transcript.
  4. (Optional) Standardized test scores. The Classic Learning Test (CLT) is preferred; however, ACT and SAT are also accepted. High School students do not need to submit standardized test scores.
  5. Personal Statement – 2 Application Essays
  6. Optional Writing Samples
  7. List and explanation of extracurricular activities, athletics, service, and employment
  8. Letter of recommendation from a tutor, teacher, coach, employer, or equivalent; homeschooled candidates may ask a parent; candidate should include a statement of why he or she asked this recommender to write a letter.
  9. Interview (for High School Student Applicants)
  10. Non-refundable application fee of $100 (non-refundable; $50 for audit students)

Become a part of an Authentic, Rigorous, and Affordable education in the Catholic Tradition.

Note: If you have clicked "Save and Resume" in the admission form, check your email to resume where you have left. If you haven't received any email, please contact
