Dr. Elizabeth L’Arrivee

Dr. Elizabeth L'Arrivee
Dr. Elizabeth L’Arrivee

Elizabeth L’Arrivee is a course instructor and Director of Academic Policy and Compliance. She works in the fields of political theory and the history of political philosophy, and she has published on Plato in one of the leading political theory journals, History of Political Thought. Her book manuscript, “A Precedent of Freedom: The Philosophic Way of Life and Plato’s Republic,” addresses the phenomenology of philosophic conversion.

She has taught in liberal education/great books programs at Clemson University and Colgate University, and the political science department at Clemson. Her PhD was earned at the University of Notre Dame in political science, and her BA Hons degree at the University of Winnipeg in philosophy. She was the gold medalist in philosophy at U of W; the Canadian committee selectee for the Commonwealth Scholarship; and was awarded three Earhart Foundation Fellowships. She was also a Fellow at the Alexander Hamilton Institute in Clinton, NY.

Faculty Profiles

Faculty - Mr. Joseph Pearce

Mr. Joseph Pearce

HUM 101: Classical Epic and Tragedy

Dr. Elizabeth L'Arrivee

Dr. Elizabeth L’Arrivee

COM 101: Elements of Writing

Dr. R. Jared Staudt

Dr. R. Jared Staudt

ART 101: Sacred Art

Dr. Amie Bay

Dr. Amie Bray

MATH 101: Euclidean Geometry

Dr. Alex Lessard

Dr. Alex Lessard

THEO 101: Sacred Scripture


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