Dr. Martino Rabaioli

Martino Rabaioli
Dr. Martino Rabaioli

Dr. Martino Rabaioli received his MA at the University of Notre Dame and his PhD at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill. In his graduate studies in the US he focused on Italian Literature and 20th-century phenomenology. As a scholar of these disciplines, he has given several conference papers and published an article in one of the leading scholarly journals in his field, Rivista di Studi Leopardiani.

Dr. Martino is a native Italian. Thanks to growing up in his country of origin and to his Catholic upbringing, he has been exposed since a very young age to much richness of history and culture, from the Greeks to the Romans, down through the Catholic Middle Ages and the modern era.

Thanks to all this beauty and richness, Dr. Martino soon realized that the humanistic disciplines (literature, philosophy, languages, history, etc. etc.) are necessary to a solid and well-rounded development of the human person, also from the spiritual point of view.

Despite leaving academia a few years prior, Dr. Martino is a teacher at heart, and both at his work and at Rosary College is dedicated to the human and spiritual growth of those who are assigned to him, teammates and students.

Faculty Profiles

Faculty - Mr. Joseph Pearce

Mr. Joseph Pearce

HUM 101: Classical Epic and Tragedy - Fall 2024
HUM 201: Medieval Literature and Culture - Spring 2025

Dr. Elizabeth L'Arrivee

Dr. Elizabeth L’Arrivee

COM 101: Elements of Writing - Fall 2024
COM 201: Rhetoric and Speech - Spring 2025

Dr. Alex Lessard

Dr. Alex Lessard

THEO 101: Sacred Scripture - Fall 2024
THEO 201: Catholic Doctrine - Spring 2025

Martino Rabaioli

Dr. Martino Rabaioli

LAT 101: Latin I - Spring 2025

Joseph Esparza

Joseph Esparza, PhD(c), MA

SCI 101: The Foundations of Science - Spring 2025

Dr. R. Jared Staudt

Dr. R. Jared Staudt

ART 101: Sacred Art - Fall 2024

Dr. Amie Bay

Dr. Amie Bray

MATH 101: Euclidean Geometry - Fall 2024
