Joseph Pearce

Faculty - Mr. Joseph Pearce
Joseph Pearce
Board of Trustees

A native of England, Joseph Pearce is the internationally acclaimed author of many books, including bestsellers The Quest for Shakespeare, Tolkien: Man and Myth, The Unmasking of Oscar Wilde, C.S. Lewis and the Catholic Church, Literary Converts, Wisdom and Innocence: A Life of G. K. Chesterton, Solzhenitsyn: A Soul in Exile, and Old Thunder: A Life of Hilarie Belloc. His books have been published and translated into Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch, Italian, Korean, Mandarin, Croatian, and Polish.

He has hosted two thirteen-part television series about Shakespeare on EWTN and has also written and presented documentaries on EWTN on the Catholicism of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. His verse drama, Death Comes for the War Poets, was performed off-Broadway to critical acclaim. He has participated and lectured at a wide variety of international and literary events at major colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, Britain, Europe, Africa, and South America.

He is a Visiting Professor of Literature at Ave Maria University and Visiting Chair of Catholic Studies at Thomas More College of Liberal Arts (Merrimack, New Hampshire). He is editor of the St. Austin Review, series editor of the Ignatius Critical Editions, senor instructor with Homeschool Connections, and senior contributor at the Imaginative Conservative and Crisis Magazine. His personal website is

Dr. Michael Schick

Dr. Michael Shick

Chairman of the Board of Trustees & President

Dr. R. Jared Staudt

Dr. R. Jared Staudt

Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees & Secretary

Faculty - Mr. Joseph Pearce

Joseph Pearce

Board of Trustees

Charles Bondurant, Esq.

Charles Bondurant, Esq.

Board of Trustees

Ms. Rachel Hutson

Rachel Hutson, CPA, MBA

Board of Trustees, Treasurer

Mr. W. Winston Elliott

W. Winston Elliott III

Board of Trustees

Faculty - Mr. Joseph Pearce

Mr. Joseph Pearce

HUM 101: Classical Epic and Tragedy

Dr. Elizabeth L'Arrivee

Dr. Elizabeth L’Arrivee

COM 101: Elements of Writing

Dr. R. Jared Staudt

Dr. R. Jared Staudt

ART 101: Sacred Art

Dr. Amie Bay

Dr. Amie Bray

MATH 101: Euclidean Geometry

Dr. Alex Lessard

Dr. Alex Lessard

THEO 101: Sacred Scripture


Marian Feast: 33 Days to Morning Glory

To guide you when you might want to begin, here’s a chart that breaks down the starting dates and feasts:

Start of the
33 Days

Start Date

Consecration Day

Our Lady of Lourdes

January 9​

February 11​​

The Annunciation

February 20*​​

March 25​

Our Lady of Fatima​

April 10​

May 13

The Visitation​

April 28​

May 31

Mary, Mother of the Church​

May 7, 2025

Monday after Pentecost

Immaculate Heart​

May 26, 2025

Saturday after Corpus Christi

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel​

June 13​

July 16

The Assumption

July 13​

August 15

Queenship of Mary​

July 20​

August 22

Nativity of Mary​

August 6​

September 8

Holy Name of Mary​

August 10​

September 12

Our Lady of Sorrows​

August 13​

September 15

Our Lady of the Rosary

September 4

October 7

Presentation of Mary​

October 19​

November 21

Immaculate Conception​

November 5​

December 8

Our Lady of Guadalupe​

November 9​

December 12

Mother of God​

November 29​

January 1

Presentation of the Lord​

December 31​

February 2

*During a leap year, when February has 29 days, the starting date is February 21.

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