Dr. Amie Bray started her academic career with a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics with an emphasis in Secondary Teaching from the University of Northern Colorado. She then went on to complete both a Master of Science and a Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics at Colorado State University. She maintains an active research program in number theory and, as of Fall 2024, teaches Advanced Placement and upper-level mathematics courses at Saint Mary’s Academy in Englewood, Colorado. While at CSU, Dr. Bray taught a variety of mathematics courses including Mathematics for the Liberal Arts. Dr. Bray is committed to high quality mathematics education from elementary school through college and enjoys organizing mathematics outreach events for the whole family.
Outside of research and teaching, Dr. Bray enjoys finding beauty in the everyday, spending time with her family, and creating art. With a deep devotion to Jesus through Mary, Dr. Bray is excited to join the faculty at Rosary College and hopes to instill in her students a dedication to the truth rooted in Christ’s love.
HUM 101: Classical Epic and Tragedy
COM 101: Elements of Writing
ART 101: Sacred Art
MATH 101: Euclidean Geometry
THEO 101: Sacred Scripture
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