Mission and Vision


The mission of Rosary College is to draw its students into the pursuit of wisdom rooted in intellectual and moral virtues in fulfillment of its evangelizing mission as an institution of higher education in the Catholic tradition. We are committed to the Catholic liberal arts tradition and a Benedictine integration of prayer, work, beauty, and contemplation as foundations for our students’ formation.

As a place of higher learning, we share the riches of our inherited past and the present age with students seeking the truth, beauty, and goodness of God and creation. As a college founded on Benedictine ideals, we embody hospitality in serving the needs of our communities and Christian families, and promote sanctification by fulfilling our daily obligations in a spirit of humility and service. Through cultivation of rigorous study, the application of learning to daily life, and prayerful devotion, our graduates can order their minds and hearts, dialogue and debate rationally and charitably with fellow citizens, and serve others.

Jesus, the Divine Word

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The mission of Rosary College is to draw its students into the pursuit of wisdom rooted in intellectual and moral virtues.

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By focusing on the Integrated Humanities, rooted in the timeless truths of the Catholic Church, students will pursue an interdisciplinary program of studies that lays the foundation for a life centered on an authentic encounter with Divine truth, beauty, and goodness.

Ascension of Jesus into Heaven


“In a nutshell, therefore, an authentic education is that which teaches us that truth is real and is present most fully in the Real Presence of Christ in the cosmos, and, following logically and theologically from this Reality, it is an education that teaches us to be more fully human, more fully the person we are meant to be, by becoming more like Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.”

– Joseph Pearce “What is Authentic Education?”


All parts of the universe – seen and unseen – are united in a harmonious whole. Education involves ordering the ordering the mind to discover this order, and the soul to reflect it. This leads to further corollaries concerning economy in teaching – teaching the right things at the right time – and the need for beauty in all its forms to draw students forward through the curriculum.

– Dr. Alex Lessard “7 Principles of Catholic Education”


God put us on this earth with a mission that is not focused simply on oneself. We realize our deepest longings through communion, moving outside of ourselves and into the life of God, sacrificing ourselves for the good others. This is what brings happiness.”

– Dr. R. Jared Staudt “Educating for What Matters Most”