
Dr. Amie BrayFaculty

Introducing Rosary College Faculty Member, Dr. Amie Bray

Dr. Amie Bray started her academic career with a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics with an Emphasis in Secondary Teaching from the University of Northern Colorado. She then went on to complete both a Master’s of Science and a Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics at Colorado State University. She maintains an active research program in number theory and, as of Fall 2024, teaches Advanced Placement and upper level mathematics courses at Saint Mary’s Academy in Englewood, Colorado.
Dr. Alex LessardFaculty

Introducing Rosary College Faculty Member, Dr. Alex Lessard

Alex Lessard is Founder and President of Adeodatus, and Co-Director of The Cornerstone Forum. Dr. Lessard studied theology as an undergraduate at the University of St. Thomas (MN) with Don Briel, the founder of the Catholic Studies movement, who introduced him to the writings of St. John Henry Newman and to the breadth and depth of Catholic literature.
Kaitlyn CurtinFaculty

Introducing New Rosary College Faculty Member, Kaitlyn Curtin (MTS, MEd)

Kaitlyn Curtin is joining the faculty of Rosary College to teach Sacred Scripture (Theology 101) in-person this fall. Sacred Scripture is the first theology course in sequence for full-time students. Rosary College is still accepting both part-time and full-time students to its unique, integrated program of Catholic studies in the liberal arts.
Dr. Elizabeth L’ArriveeFaculty

Introducing New Rosary College Faculty Member, Dr. Elizabeth L’Arrivee (Political Science PhD, University of Notre Dame)

Dr. Elizabeth L'Arrivee is scheduled to teach an in-residence and online writing course called Elements of Writing for Rosary College this fall, where students will learn the art of communication through the written word. If you are interested in taking either the online writing course or the in-residence writing course, you can register here. Rosary College accepts full-time and part-time students of any age or background, and courses can also be audited (for only 50% of the full tuition cost).
Greenville, South Carolina riverFaculty

Introducing Our Fall ‘24 Rosary College Faculty!

Rosary College provides a rigorous liberal arts education steeped in the Catholic tradition. Located in beautiful downtown Greenville, SC, with online programs, our non-residential college provides affordable opportunities for students seeking a balanced approach to developing their minds, characters, and faith.

Marian Feast: 33 Days to Morning Glory

To guide you when you might want to begin, here’s a chart that breaks down the starting dates and feasts:

Start of the
33 Days

Start Date

Consecration Day

Our Lady of Lourdes

January 9​

February 11​​

The Annunciation

February 20*​​

March 25​

Our Lady of Fatima​

April 10​

May 13

The Visitation​

April 28​

May 31

Mary, Mother of the Church​

May 7, 2025

Monday after Pentecost

Immaculate Heart​

May 26, 2025

Saturday after Corpus Christi

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel​

June 13​

July 16

The Assumption

July 13​

August 15

Queenship of Mary​

July 20​

August 22

Nativity of Mary​

August 6​

September 8

Holy Name of Mary​

August 10​

September 12

Our Lady of Sorrows​

August 13​

September 15

Our Lady of the Rosary

September 4

October 7

Presentation of Mary​

October 19​

November 21

Immaculate Conception​

November 5​

December 8

Our Lady of Guadalupe​

November 9​

December 12

Mother of God​

November 29​

January 1

Presentation of the Lord​

December 31​

February 2

*During a leap year, when February has 29 days, the starting date is February 21.

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